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Sand Filter Activated Carbon Filter

Unlike other filtration methods, sand filters use biological processes to clean the water, and are non-pressurized systems. Slow s filters do not require chemicals. Water passes through beds. For municipal systems there usually is a certain degree of redundancy, since it is desirable for the maximum required throughput of water to be achievable with one or more beds out of service.

Sand filters require relatively low turbidity levels to operate efficiently. In summer conditions with high microbial activity and in conditions when the raw water is turbid, blinding of the filters due to biologging occurs more quickly and pre-treatment is recommended. Unlike other water filtration technologies that produce water on demand, sand filters produce water at constant flow rate and are usually used in conjunction with a storage tank for peak usage. This filtration is necessary for healthy development of the biological processes in the filter.

    1)As they require little or no mechanical power, chemicals or replaceable parts, and they require minimum operator training and only periodic maintenance, they are often an appropriate technology for poor and isolated areas.

    2)sand filters, due to their simple design, may be created PII. PII- sand filters have been used in India and other countries.

    3)sand filters are recognized by the world health origination ,Oxfam and the united state environment agencies as being superior technology for the treatment of surface water sources. According to the World Health Organization, "Under suitable circumstances, sand filtration may be not only the cheapest and simplest but also the most efficient method of water treatment."

  • 1)Pebbles
  • 2)Garbles
  • 3)silex
  • 4)Core silex
  • 5)Fin silex